Sunday, January 9, 2011

In the Zone

Since October, I have been trying out CrossFit. For those of you who aren't familiar, CrossFit is a type of workout that focuses on "functional fitness" meaning you do exercises that make you stronger all over so you perform all of your daily activities better. The workouts combine Olympic weightlifting with plyometrics and cardio. It is an incredible workout and challenges me every time I am there!

As part of my CrossFit experience, we are being encouraged to go on the Zone diet. This is a huge challenge for me! I love to cook and have found a way to lose a significant amount of weight by simply watching my calories and exercising. The Zone is much more complicated than that. You have to find the right combination of foods and eat 5 times a day. I keep telling myself that it is only 8 weeks...I can do almost anything for 8 weeks! We will see how this goes and if I can find creative ways to cook "in the Zone." If Jennifer Aniston can do it, I hope I can too!

Do you have experience with the Zone or CrossFit? I would love tips or stories!!

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